Why this Blog?

The purpose of creation of this new blog was to add all my work that will solely related to my DIY Solar and wind electricity generation system. I will also add here the adventure of my DIY micro-hydro turbine (PAT) unit that has been planned to be implemented in the beautiful Kalam valley. In the recent past i unintentionally got attraction toward the green energy and studied a lot about.

My last visit to Karachi home was the turning point to divert all my intentions and resources toward getting into hybrid solar+wind electricity system. The 12 hours shedding at Karachi was really a mental shock to me. The 2Hours alternate load shedding scheme was so pathetic that for three nights i had only 6 hours of sleep in total. The Starting/Stopping the generator (located at the third floor) was a real muscular exercise especially the last part of the night.

The ready made solution requires a handsome amount of money. Here i will post my DIY approach to get the job done considering the advantage of being low cost, worth of experience and as per my requirement and quality. I intend to work on both Solar and wind turbine simultaneously so that to give the relief to my family.

Lets see will i have success in this endeavor?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mistakes... I think i am learning new things...

One more addition of foolish blunder in my life below i posted a CAD drawing snap of the magnetic plate and stator... Something is very wrong in it.. 12 magnets and 12 coils... Its not possible

After casting and painting the magnetic plates and making 9 coils when i assembled the coils around the magnets i feel that i have wide gaps between the coils... Then i consulted the drawing i made earlier, their were 12 coils.. what a nonsense... no way... This should be 9 coils...not more not less...

So i have to destroy the magnetic plates for salvaging the magnets... Now i am going to make new magnetic plates with small diameters...This is a good thing..but why this happen, its still needs to be figured out.. this regularly happens in my life and reminds me i am a human and not a genius.

Back to the drawing board, corrected the entire things... I am posting the improved coil winder picture that made my life easy. It took 40minutes to make 9 coils, each 110turn with 1.5mm dia laminated wire (SWG17)

You can see i am arranging the coil for resin casting. I am using electrical glass tape for high temperature. i know some time the temperature of the coil will be high during high winds and not want to make another blunder by using the simple tape.

In the drawing you can see rectangle magnets, its 3 phase , so if you see closely the purple coils are at the center of magnets. It means they are providing the full voltage at this condition. the other coils are in the middle of high voltage range when the purple coils are at high peak voltage.

i have made the coils first, then measured the dimensions and reverse engineer the magnetic plates. i think this is the easy way to go.

"Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. "